John Mueller says that removing unnecessary links from your website will do no harm to your rankings

We all are aware of how Google representative John Mueller is very active on the social media handle of Twitter. Recently, John Mueller launched a statement on the platform which created a much-needed wave of realisation among the site owners on Google. John Mueller is especially known for indicating different types of details to the site owners on Google. The fellow recently released a tweet related to the site ranking and all of the site owners are now sharing their own thoughts regarding the statement made by John. The tweet was published by John Mueller on 2nd October 2020 at 10:49 AM
In the tweet, Mueller states that “ If links are the reason why a site is ranking higher, then if you remove them the site will rank lower. Links aren’t the only reason sites rank, obviously, so I wouldn’t blindly focus on them.” The main motive by launching the tweet was to make the site owners realise that backlinks are not quite important with respect to the ranking of the site. Many of the site owners are nowadays providing thousand of links to rank their website on Google but John Mueller has clarified that links are not the only reason that can make your website rank on the platform. The representative is known for emphasising greatly on the importance of good content. He is always seen saying that good content will definitely make your site rank on Google.
John posted this to tweet replying to some user of the platform who has asked the representative some question regarding the same issue. As a conclusion, it was said that if you are removing the links that are helping your website to rank better on the platform then your rankings will definitely decline. Although, the site owners can definitely remove the links that are not helping your website to rank better. Those links will not make your rankings decline even 1%.
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