Twitter shares some simple tips on improving your campaign

You must have seen hundreds of people out there who will tell you that this is the way to increase your presence on Twitter. Now, we are not saying that everyone is wrong and that no strategy will work for you. However, it is best that the things that you learn should also be implemented rather than just seeing results from others. Twitter has now joined in this conversation and has released a few simple tips with which you as a marketer can make your campaign on Twitter grow.
The campaign from Twitter which is titled as “Good Copy, Bad Copy” will give you an insight on what is an effective Tweet copy and what is not. Now, the first thing that Twitter creative lead Joe Waddington says is that you should “eliminate all caps”. However, it is funny to note that US President Donald Trump has been using all caps in many of his tweets on the platform itself. It is also worth noting that he has a strong presence on Twitter.
Another tip is that “percentage works better than dollar amounts” which means that you should use percentages instead of dollars in your tweets. For example, if you write a $5 discount on $10 item rather than a 50% discount on $10 item, you will see less conversion in clicks and sales.
Also, Twitter’s creative lead says that you should not “go overboard on hashtags”. This is also fairly simple and it tells you that hashtags should be used in a judicious manner and no one will like to see a tweet full of hashtags with very thin content.
Last but not the least, Twitter shares that you do “enable website cards” for your tweets. This is a way in which you can show cards for your website’s link which is much more attractive and gives you more conversion.
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