8 Best Digital Marketing Books to Read in 2020
One point we all should be aware of is that reading actually a great way to learn new things even though we have come in 2020 when watching videos and consuming another type of content such as podcasts is trending. This is because there are studies made where it is shown that people tend to forget what they watched in a video or heard in a podcast easily but they remember what they read inside a book particularly well and for years in fact.
Now, this is particularly true for most people that we have asked who have said that reading a book just feels right for them even though they can get the same from a video or podcast. On the other hand, there is also that nice feeling of spending time on reading something good rather than straining your eyes on a mobile phone or wearing headphones all the time.
Having said that, the reason why we are telling you all this is because there are great books on Digital Marketing that should you read in 2020. This is because the best way to learn about Digital Marketing too is via reading. There are always new strategies, tactics and tools that come up every day in the field of digital marketing but there is a saying that “Old is Gold” which holds true because some strategies mentioned in the book will apply even today.
Today, we are going to tell you about eight of the best digital marketing books that we have come across and would like to share them with you so that you can also read them and grow your digital marketing career whether it is your job, business or something else.
8 Best Digital Marketing Books to Read in 2020
1. Purple Cow by Seth Godin
If you have never heard of Seth Godin, you are missing out on a late of great stuff because he is one of the best writers you will ever read about. Thankfully, Seth Godin has written a book titled Purple Cow which is termed as the bible of digital marketing by many.
Now, the reason why people call this book the bible is because of the wide knowledge that you can get from reading each and every page of the book. While the book was published in 2003, it is still relevant in 2020 which tells you something about it.
2. Youtility: why smart marketing about helps not hype
While we have mentioned that the “Purple Cow” by Seth Godin is a bible of digital marketing, it does not mean there could not be a different view from someone else. Well, our next book in the list is from Jay Baer and it serves as an antithesis or opposite of Seth Godin’s Purple Cow.
In this book, you will find that Jay advocates people to not only be different from others but also be smart kind of different in doing things. Jay believes that someone who offers a unique solution to their audience will become more successful than others.
3. The Good book of SEO
The Good book of SEO by Radomir Basta is perfect for the modern-day SEO enthusiasts. We get a complete breakdown of the technical things involved in SEO that I rarely found in any of the online articles these days. The information is gold, it goes deep into search engines and covers all the parameters for SEO and your website including the ones that people don’t put much focus these days. Even if you’re are a newbie in SEO, the book is pretty easy to comprehend.
If you’re serious about SEO and still figuring out the technicalities, this is the PERFECT BOOK for SEO in 2020.
4. The big data-driven business
From the book title, you would have known that this is a book about digital marketing right from the word data itself. Because it is a fact that Digital Marketing is a data-driven business. You need data for everything in this field such as what a user is searching, what they are clicking on and where they are visiting next.
The main point discussed in this book is that while you get a sea of data from various tools in Digital Marketing, how you handle that data is important in determining how your business or career will grow.
5. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right hook: How to tell your story in a noisy social world
While you will definitely be surprised why we wrote the above line in the middle of a digital marketing book list, we can confirm that this is the title of next book on Digital Marketing that we recommend you. The book is written by none other than Gary Vaynerchuk who is popular as Gary Vee in social media circles.
He is a great social media influencer and a successful entrepreneur who has grown big on social media platforms. In this book, he explains how you can grow your brand on social media with some techniques and campaigns that are game-winning.
6. Content Inc. by Joe Pulizzi
One of the best books on content marketing and digital marketing that you will ever come across is Content Inc by Joe Pulizzi and the reason being that Joe is the founder of Content Marketing Institute that makes people learn everything about how to market content and related things.
In this book, Pulizzi tries to give you ways in which you can market the right content at the right place and also gives you the six most fundamental steps that you need to take to have a highly successful business or a brand.
7. Convert: designing websites to increase traffic and conversion
If you are a Digital Marketer, you must be aware that the best way to do it is by building a website or a landing page where your customers will come and convert into subscribers. This tells you that just making a website is not enough because you have to understand ways in which you can increase traffic and your conversion rate on the site.
In this book Convert by Ben Hunt, you will get to know how to build a website that converts in terms of traffic and conversions. The basic step that you will read in this book is that your website should look professional and impressive.
8. Everybody writes: your go-to guide to creating ridiculously good content
The next book we have in our list can also be called the bible of Content Marketing which is a part of Digital Marketing. This book will take you through all the angles of content marketing and make you understand how you can develop stellar content for your brand.
This book is written by Ann Hadley who is a Pro Blogger and Digital Marketing Influencer herself meaning that she will know what works and what doesn’t very closely. In this book, you will understand that words are the currency of the web so you will learn how to brainstorm, research and write great content.
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