Internet Marketing
YouTube CEO says Creators’ concerns regarding monetization will be addressed

In the YouTube Creators Studio summit, YouTube CEO has told its creators what work the platform has done to address their concern. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki shared an update regarding the concerns of creators on monetization and content distribution.
Recently, YouTube Creators have been complaining about their videos being demonetized for some reason or the other. Also, there are concerns regarding recommendations from YouTube. It is seen quite often that YouTube recommends fake or clickbaity videos to its users. Therefore, YouTube CEO said that
“My top priority is responsibility. We’re always balancing maintaining an open platform with managing our community guidelines. But to combat a number of concerning incidents we’ve seen in the last few months, we’ve had to take more aggressive action.”
Apart from that, we have all heard about the recent Christchurch terrorist attack that took place inside Mosques. However, the attackers used the online platform to spread their attacks to as many people as possible. Although the video was live-streamed on Facebook, hundreds of its copies were uploaded on YouTube. This is also a concern that YouTube CEO says will be addressed.
Recently, YouTube announced that videos which include minors will have their comments disabled by default. This action was taken to stop predatory behaviour and harassment. On this topic of banning comments on YouTube videos, Wozniacki says:
“We know how vital comments are to creators. I hear from creators every day how meaningful comments are for engaging with fans, getting feedback, and helping guide future videos. I also know this change impacted so many creators who we know are innocent.”
YouTube CEO adds that “A small number of creators will be able to keep comments enabled on these types of videos. These channels will be required to actively moderate their comments, beyond just using our moderation tools, and demonstrate a low risk of predatory behaviour. We will work with them directly and our goal is to grow this number over time as our ability to catch violative comments continues to improve.”
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