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This new tool shows all the tags used in a YouTube video




One thing you must know is that SEO is a wide field and that it is not limited to just doing search engine optimization for the websites. Well, you might know that YouTube has become a great platform for people to get their reach.

Also, there is the Google Play Store which has its own technique known as ASO which stands for “App store optimization”. Talking about YouTube, it has SEO of its own which is in order to rank a video higher up the order based on keywords.

Also, YouTube SEO involves the use of tags which are seen on normal SEO as well. But the YouTube SEO is sort of limited in a way that you can use tags and optimize your titles and thumbnails but you can’t do much else.

So the best way to do YouTube SEO is with the proper use of tags and we now have a tool with which you can look at videos which are popular. From them, we can take an idea of how to use tags in our videos to promote them higher up the order.

This new tool for showing tags on YouTube videos is from Product Hunt and is named as “Tag Snag”. This tool extracts the tags used inside this video even if they are not visible to the public. You can even use this tool to see tags from multiple videos even if you are not playing them so you can get an idea of the creator’s strategy.

Now, this is not the first-ever tool that helps you in finding the tags inside a YouTube video for SEO purposes but it is by far one of the easiest ones we have seen. This is why the tool is featured and you can download it too from here.

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