Twitter transparency report explains the impact on Member Accounts

Twitter transparency report reveals member accounts. Twitter published its six-month Transparency Report. This revealed countries making many information requests. It also showed facts about members for rule violations and many surprising trends.
Twitter stated its goal to be the protection of the Open Internet.
The Open Internet is a reference to Twitter’s position against burdensome regulations. These regulations aim to put limitations on the information published by Twitter.
Hence, Open Internet is a global standard of free speech. This is the right to privacy and fairness.
According to Twitter, consideration of nuances of content moderation is crucial. Open Internet describes content moderation as it is more than leave up or takedown. Sinéad McSweeney, Twitter’s Vice President of Global Public Policy and Philanthropy, also stated, “The threat to privacy and freedom of expression is a worrying trend that requires our full attention. Today’s update to the Twitter Transparency Center highlights our long-standing commitment to meaningful transparency and the pressing, urgent need to defend the free, secure, and global Open Internet.”
Twitter reported a 4% decrease in requests for account information and account preservation. Preservation requests are requests from law to preserve account information.
The United States accounts for 57% of all governmental preservation requests. Twitter also receives information requests from non-governmental entities. The country of Japan issues most requests for information from Twitter. Followed by Brazil and then the United States.
The report shows that Twitter received 43,387 governmental legal demands for content removal. The Twitter Transparency Report also shows the largest requests amount they ever received. The top countries to Governmental Content Removal demands include Japan, Russia, Turkey. India and South Korea also join the team. Twitter needs to remove 4.7 million Tweets that violate the Twitter Rules.
The report shares that Twitter shut down 453,754 accounts. It was for violation of Child Exploitation policies. Hence, Twitter is making strides against harmful content.
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