HTML heading numbers don’t matter inside the article as per a new report

We have been fusing over the fact that you need to optimize your content well in order to get ahead in the search results. Now, there are two types of optimization techniques called on-page SEO and then off-page SEO. While we are talking about off-page SEO, we should concentrate on making backlinks, building our brand and other such activities. However, on-page SEO means optimizing your content which will be read by your visitors. One of the important steps in on-page SEO is to use heading tags so that users can read the important points.
Talking about heading tags, there are different heading tags such as H1, H2, H3 and more. The different heading tag numbers are regarding the weight they have when the content goes on the web. Basically, you get the largest tag if it is in H1 tag but the smallest if it is in the H4 tag apart from the paragraph tag which is normal text. So we have had an understanding that different heading tags would be seen differently by Google in search results. However, we now have a new report which reveals that is not the case.
The whole matter is when someone was told by an SEO professional that they should use H3 tags for level-2 subheadings. Now, the user made a new tag named h3 aria-level to 2 so that the level-2 subheading can be applied. However, Martin Splitt says that “That’s not true. Please don’t let people tell you that kind of stuff”.
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