Google experiments to leverage users click from websites to competitors

Google has announced that it is experimenting with its new set of features. It will allow users to see search results from a webpage without clicking back to the search results. It will help users to compare search results and make things easier to click away from the websites to visit another.
The new feature comes in the form of a side panel search which is one of two experiments to make its SERPs persistent. When the presence of something like this will last longer than normal, it will become persistent.
Both experiments show that Google is moving toward a much persistent style of search experience. It will make the search results page appear visible for longer. They will be accessible even when the user is on a web page.
These experimental panel search results are making things easier for stretchers to navigate away from one web page to their competitor.
Google has announced two search experiments- Journeys, Side Panel Search. The first experiment, i.e., Journey, can collect the past stretches based on a related topic. Then it will group those topics. This feature is more like a historical archive for the past stretches with topic grouping. It makes things easier for specific searches.
It aims to make things easy for Google users to use Google for research topics. Google is also describing this feature as a way to cluster all the websites.
The data of Chrome Journey does not get sent back to Google. It stores all the information locally. Google says that they may consider expanding it in its future version to make the Journey easy to access across various devices.
The second experimental feature is Google Side Panel Search. It starts with a normal Google search and then clicking on a website. The third part is a side panel that opens up on the left to reveal the variety of search results.
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