YouTube to aid creators in earning money

YouTube offers opportunities to creators to make money. YouTube is soon going to create more ways for earning money. This will apply across all video formats.
Neal Mohan, YouTube’s Chief Product Officer, announced creators would get extra ways to monetize videos. It announced YouTube’s roadmap for 2022. This also included new features and changes to the viewing experience. Creators make money from Shorts using Shorts Fund.
This fund is available for all creators. It also includes those who aren’t even eligible to earn. YouTube plans to keep running Shorts Fund and come up with new ways. This is for creators to earn revenue from short-form videos. In the upcoming months, new ways for creators to earn money will begin.
This would happen to make branded shorts content via BrandConnect. Super Chats will apply to Shorts deduced from YouTube’s live streams. This would also enhance the buy of highlighted messages by viewers.
Efforts taken to convert YouTube into a shopping destination will come into play. This will ease shopping from a Short. YouTube will focus on testing these. Creators will soon earn more money from live streaming.
YouTube plans to offer the ability to buy gifted channel memberships. However, this is like users giving paid subscriptions on Twitch.
Gifted channel memberships are already in the test for YouTube channels. This will apply in the upcoming months. Web3 opens opportunities for YouTube via technologies like blockchain and NFTs. For instance, creators provide fans with legit ways to own videos, photos, art, and a lot more.
YouTube is working to build a feature that lets makers remix audio from videos across YouTube. Features like TikTok’s video replies, YouTube Shorts creators will also reply to individual comments by creating a Short.
YouTube is also planning to introduce collaborative live streaming. Mohan says YouTube is working to create amazing experiences for users in the metaverse.
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