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Google discusses on upgraded AI search



upgraded AI

Google recently announced AI updates and how they will impact on the ranking of sites in the search results. It claims where some changes might impact 7% of searches; others can reach up to 10%. Also, the change in how BERT is being used impacts almost 100% of searches. Some of these changes are to be introduced by the end of the year. While many already made its presence in the search results. Along with that, many algorithm improvements are disclosed, which are predicted to arouse more diversity.

The major reveal about this upgraded AI is that Google is employing BERT in every search query. With its natural language processing pre-training technique helps Google understating words depending on the surrounding words. As Google said, “Today, we’re excited to share that BERT is now used in almost every query in English, helping you get higher quality results for your questions.”

Similarly, it announced other factors like the ‘New Spelling Algorithm’ that aims to help Google with understanding misspelled words. ‘Passages Index’ is another crucial change that will help to surface pages where the answer to the queries lies. As per Google, it will impact 7% of search queries. Then there is ‘Subtopics’, impact how search queries for general and broad search phrases are marked. Optimizing for specific subtopics will also benefit online businesses to rank for the higher traffic subtopic.

Apart from these, ‘video change’ will also affect 10% of searches that represent a major change to SEO. It is kind of similar to the ‘Passages Algorithm’ except for the videos. It will impact video production & SERPs that will make the videos easy to understand. And the last thing Google announced is ‘Data Sets’ in search. The upgraded AI is said to impact sites that rely on ranking for statistical information and sites selling statistical reports. Also, it provides the ability to research and discover the topic more deeply.

To conclude, all the above changes aim to impact (especially the 7% ones) SEO will bring more competition more than ever. Just like, John Mueller, in his recent statements, warned about the upcoming difficulties in SEO based on the ongoing changes.

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