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7 marketing trends according to Deloitte’s insights to focus on for next year marketing



marketing trend

The new global marketing trends report for 2021 from Deloitte insights has focused on 2 surveys. The first survey shows almost 2500 adult consumers of Asia, the Middle East, North America, and Europe. The second survey is based on over 400 C-suite executives, including the CMOs of the US based global companies.

The headline suggested the interconnection for trust and loyalty and the brand’s fast pivoting advantages.

The report also talked about the loss of confidence among the executives while influencing their peers to create a strategic impact. Also, the CMOs percentage shows the fall of confident executives, which is 3% this year.

On the matter of a brand’s response to the current environment, consumers also had a positive perspective:

“Almost four in five people could cite a time a brand responded positively to the pandemic

and one in five strongly agreed it led to increased brand loyalty on their part.”

With the statement “breaking out of our often defensive mindsets to more holistically — and authentically — meet human needs.”- Deloitte has also shown it’s 7 top trends in the report.

  1. Purpose: “(C) companies that know “why” they serve their stakeholders are uniquely positioned to navigate unprecedented change.”
  2.  Human connection: this particular trend focuses on the authenticity of the connection rather than the speed to market techniques.
  3. Agility: Those will be the successful marketers who are ready to invest in agile marketing strategies
  4. Fusion: The trend has also emphasized on the innovative business tie-ups.
  5. Trust: One must gain trust through the delivery as promised. A consistent, reliable, and transparent messaging is the key, along with the shifting from demographics to values.
  6. Participation: staying relevant to the participants through customer engagement processes is more crucial to get success.
  7. Talent transformation: To stay relevant to the marketing trends, the need to develop new talent models is the need to hold the place in an ever-changing digital environment.

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